Monday, January 9, 2017

Health and Wealth - Live Richer Challenge

Live Richer Challenge

Over the years, I think my biggest challenge has been finances.

I have lacked the discipline over the years to stick to a defined budget.

This year (2017), I am trying something new.

The Live Richer Challenge. #LRC

It is a challenge created by Tiffany "the Budgetnista", this year the challenge is centered around credit. Understanding it, managing it and maintaining good credit and why it is important.

I encourage people to join this challenge and movement of the live richer concept. I am the first to admit that I knew and understood many of the things I am learning.

The biggest challenge I have is accountability and discipline. In 2017, this is one of the main elements I need to overcome.

I mentioned in my previous post "New goals and New beginnings", that my goal for 2017 was to start a business. In order to do that, one of the first things I have to overcome is managing my personal finance. Poor financial management will lead to an unsuccessful business.

In addition to changing my habits when it comes to credit. I am also making changes to how I spend money and how I save it. A lot of our expenses can be better managed if we paid attention to what we spend our money on.

For example: I never realized how much money I spend on food. Eating out, ordering take out, and Wawa and Starbucks trips add up quickly. When I looked at my account I realized that the cost of all of the food spending was equal or more than what I spend on groceries each month.

In the new year, I am going to cut back completely on eating out.
  1. Eliminating the Wawa and Starbucks trips ( I have a Keurig at home, so I need to put it to use).
  2. Limiting the eating out to twice a month and only on the weekends. (Coupons: I realized, there are many restaurant coupons that I can use to cut cost)
  3. Take out will be once a week. (Every Friday - there are coupons for this too)

These simple changes will decrease my monthly spending and I can use the extra money to pay down credit cards.

I encourage those of you reading this blog. To join the challenge.

#lovelivingmylife #LRC #Dreamcatcher #goodcredit

Below are some good website to review

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